Gardening, Uncategorized

Spring growth update #2 1st 70s of the season

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1st standard Daffodil of the season April 27th 2013

Most of this month has been plagued with very wet and well below normal temperatures in the 30s and 40s with multiple, at least 4 or 5 little snowfall events through the entire month. This put a slow down on the growth pattern and even has delayed our spring by 2 weeks later then it should be, and an stunning 1 month later then last year. We have gained significant moisture amounts through the month helping plants get much needed moisture which was lacking with lasts years drought.  These conditions along with a recent warm up that brought the areas 1st 60s and 70s over the past 3 days, even some highs near 80 has allowed for an explosion of growth with major differences seen in those 3 days. The 1st Daffodil of the season in my garden can be seen above.

Highs seen Sunday April 28th

Cannon Falls 79.F
West Downtown Rochester ( my station ) 78.F
Austin 77.F
Red Wing 77.F
Dodge Center 75.F
Preston 75.F
Rochester Airport 74.F
Winona 73.F

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White Hyacinth April 28th 2013

Also joining the spring garden, Hyacinths have just started to bloom and they are already perfuming the entire yard, more will be popping in the coming days! These are one of the more fragrant flowers you can grow. Tulips are starting to show signs of budding and Glory-of-the-snow have also started to bloom. There are also multiple perennials beginning to grow.

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Greening up grass and landscape April 28th 2013

The grass has greened up significantly over the past 3 days, all that was needed was a little warmth!

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Young Lilac leaves April 28th 2013

Woody plants are also taking on significant progress now that it has finally warmed up,I have seen Magnolias, Forsythias, starting to develop flower buds and will be blooming shortly. Lilacs, Crab Apples, starting to get leaves, and in trees earlier trees such as Redbud, Serviceberry, Maples, Elms, and Aspen are in the flowering and budding stages. It is quite exciting to see such significant changes over a very short period.