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Iowa Weather Report March 31st 2014

STORMY WEEK AHEAD: A storm system will be moving through the state today bringing with it a chance of some showers and thunderstorms. We could see a morning round followed by an afternoon round along the cold front that will sweep eastward through the early evening hours. Some of the storms may be strong and could produce some hail and wind gusts over 40mph. We’ll see if any severe weather does occur later on. There will be a break on Tuesday as the first storm moves away with readings dropping back into the 40s and 50s across the state with partly to mostly sunny skies. However, the rain returns on Wednesday with perhaps an embedded thunderstorm mixed in mainly in the southern counties of the state. Readings will remain in the 40s and 50s for highs. The next system will be moving in Thursday into Friday with more rain and perhaps a thunderstorm as well. During the overnight hours Wednesday night and Thursday night, the precipitation may mix with some snow in the northern third of the state. Readings on Thursday and Friday during the day will be in the 40s with lows in the 30s. As the storm moves away Friday evening, the precipitation may end as a rain snow mix or all snow in the eastern and northeastern counties of the state. We’ll have to wait and see what hazards may arise as we get closer to the time period.

WEEKEND: The weekend will be cooler than this past weekend with readings in the 40s to lower 50s across the state. Saturday will be the better of the two with plenty of sunshine around. Sunday a disturbance looks to move in that may spark a shower or two. Other than that, there will be more clouds around and temperatures could be held down due to that. A storm drops in from the northwest late Sunday night into Monday that could bring some rain or snow showers in the northeastern half of the state. We’ll be able to fine tune this throughout the week.

INTO THE DOLDRUMS OF APRIL: In the extended period, the model is now showing some average to above average temperatures across the state. There is a storm that may come through around the 12th and 13th that may bring some showers and thunderstorms at that time. Another storm at the end of the period on Tax Day would bring another chance of showers and thunderstorms at that time. We’ll have to monitor trends to see if this continues in future model runs in coming days

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