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Iowa Weather Report February 27th 2014


COLD AND SNOWY: More cold weather in store for the next couple of days with some chances of some snow as well. Today we will be seeing plenty of sunshine with readings in the single digits to lower teens for highs. Another cold night will be in store tonight with lows dropping back below zero for most of the state except the far south and western counties. We could see records lows again Friday morning. During the day on Friday one system will be moving into the state bringing with it a chance of some light snow. Accumulations with this system look to be around an inch or two at this time. Some models have gone a bit overboard with the amounts for this system and we’re throwing them out at this point. Highs on Friday will be in the teens and 20s across the state. The next system will be moving into the state Saturday morning with some light snow over the western counties of the state. This will be tracking eastward through the day into Sunday. Current thinking is the heaviest snow from this system will be targeting the southern counties of the state, mainly along and south of IA Hwy 92. We should be able to pinpoint possible snow amounts for this system by later on today. Readings this weekend will be in the teens and 20s for highs with lows in the single digits and teens. The snow will be ending by early Monday morning as the system moves off to the east.

MORE COLD: Heading into the new work week and the first full week of March, there doesn’t look to be too much of a difference from this current week with regards to the temperatures. Readings will still be well below seasonal levels and skies will be mainly clear. We could see record lows broken again, possibly, multiple mornings next week with highs only reaching the single digits through the 20s across the state through the middle of the week. The GFS is showing some slight chances of light snow or flurries beginning Tuesday afternoon through Thursday morning but as of right now, it doesn’t look to add up to a whole lot at this point, but we’ll watch to see if anything bigger comes from this in the coming days.

APPROACHING THE IDES OF MARCH: The GFS is trying to signal an end to this colder than average weather toward the middle of March. A system could move through around the 8th of March that may bring some precipitation to the state at that time. Thereafter the readings look to warm as the pattern changes and a ridge comes over top of the state. If this were to occur, we would likely see readings above seasonal levels and some more melting of snow to occur. This could lead to some localized flooding and possible ice jams on area rivers that we would have to look at when that arises. The pattern for the rest of the period looks rather benign with readings at or above seasonal levels.

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