Currently most of the rain has moved out of the state, however there is a band of rain that extends from Lamoni to Guthrie Center to Carroll to Storm Lake where it congeals into a big glob of rain in the NW part of Iowa and SE South Dakota and SW Minnesota. A few other scattered showers were in NE Iowa moving Northeast. As of 7am this morning, less than a tenth of an inch had fallen east of a Fort Madison to Vinton to Algona Line, while over an inch had fallen southwest of a line from Sioux City to Osceola to Centerville with one report of 2.42 inches coming from Clarinda where there were thunderstorms last night. The heaviest rain will continue to stay in western Iowa for the duration of this storm with lighter amounts to the east.
Just to the west, Blizzard Warnings have been issued in Kansas and SW Nebraska and Winter Storm Warnings throughout most of Central Nebraska, with the possiblity of a foot of snow there. Looks similiar to the Blizzard of 1997 (Do a search on the blog for the post on that storm that also occurred in October). No snow is forecasted in Iowa from this storm however.