It’s now the month of August. The month where the heat begins to slowly subside. Average temperatures begin to drop and the days get shorter. In Des Moines the averages fall from 86/66 to 81/60 by August 31. In Waterloo the averages fall from 85/62 to 80/56. In Cedar Rapids the averages fall from 85/63 to 80/57. It can get quite chilly in August, all of the record lows in Cedar Rapids are below 50°, with the coldest being 37° on August 30th. It can also still get quite warm with record highs going above the century mark 19 out of the 31 days (Cedar Rapids) 24 out of 31 days in Des Moines. The average amount of rain for August is roughly between 4-4.5 inches.
For the month of August, the climate prediction center says that we will have average temperatures and above average rainfall (mainly in the eastern part).
So as the school year begins to approach August will be more like the last two months have been, wetter than normal with temperatures within a few degrees of average.