All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 26th 2014


BRUTAL COLD: Saying that it’s going to get cold again is an understatement. Before we get to that, we have to get through some blizzard conditions today across the state (mainly the eastern two-thirds). This will be accompanied by some light snow or flurries (most of the accumulating snow will have fallen through the morning hours, with only light accumulations thereafter) The big story is going to be the winds which will be sustained in the 30-40mph range with gusts over 50 at times through the evening hours. This will easily cause whiteout conditions in rural open areas across the state, especially in area that will have received some fresh snow from this system last night into this morning. Readings will reach the highs of the 20s and 30s early in the day, before crashing into the sub-zero category by the late evening and overnight hours. Readings by Monday morning will be in the single digits and teens below zero for most of the state except the far south and southwest. Highs won’t get above zero for all but the southern tier of counties and perhaps the southwestern counties. It’s all going to depend on where the snow falls and where it doesn’t. Lows Monday night into Tuesday morning will bottom out below zero statewide, with the coldest readings being in the northern and northeastern counties of the state where lower to middle minus 20s will be possible. Yes I said -20s. Adding any wind to this from now until Tuesday morning and even into the day Tuesday will easily get wind chills into the dangerous category. Be sure to bundle up if you are going to be outside for any length of time. During the day on Tuesday doesn’t look much better with readings still stuck below zero for the northeastern half of the state at least with the southwestern half seeing single digits and perhaps a few lower teens in the far SW.

REST OF WEEK: Temperatures look to moderate back into the teens and 20s across the state on Wednesday as the winds turn around to the southwesterly direction. Some areas in the southwestern part of the state may break the 30 degree barrier because of no snow pack on the ground there. This is only temporary as another system comes through Wednesday night into Thursday with some light snow showers or a few flurries. This doesn’t look to be a big deal at this time. Another system of some significance will move through the area Friday into Saturday. This will also bring some snow that could accumulate across the state. This is still a ways out there and we’ll have a better grasp on any possible accumulations as we get into the week at hand.

FEBRUARY FUN: No big changes in the pattern as we move into the month of February with a zonal flow. A storm of some significance looks to move through the area around the 7th and 8th of the month that could bring some substantial snow to the state at that time. But as always, it’s way too early to determine any systems and any snow events this far out when we have plenty our on plate as it is. We’ll just keep watch as the time passes.

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