All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 20th 2014


COLD WEEK AHEAD: Temperatures will be tumbling today as cold air will be moving into the state from the northwest. This will also bring some light snow across the area as well. Accumulations at this point look to be about an inch or less in many areas with the far southwestern counties possibly not seeing anything. Readings will tumble to the single digits and teens below zero by Tuesday morning in the northern counties with single digits above zero in the south. Highs the rest of the week will be mainly in the single digits through the lower 20s from northeast to southwest with partly to mostly sunny skies outside another snow chance that will come through during the morning hours on Wednesday. Temperatures will try to moderate by the end of the week however another push of cold arctic air is on tap with the chance of more light snow or flurries late Friday night into Saturday.

NEXT WEEK AND BEYOND: Now the GFS is heading back to the colder end to the month after a few days of giving us hope of some warmer weather to end the month of January into the first few days of February. Another clipper looks to come down the pike next Monday into Tuesday with some accumulating snow. This looks to be followed by another next Wednesday into Thursday as well with some snow or flurries at that time. Another system around the beginning of February will be one to watch as well with some accumulating snow close by but it’s still far too early to determine a location at this time given the lack of model to model consistency.

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