
VERY DANGEROUS Wind Chills Expected through the Weekend and Beginning of the Work Week





Welcome to Iowa, where weather changes almost weekly. One day you can have snow while the next day you can have freezing cold. Yep, that exact situation is going to unfold over the next several days.

Arctic air is continuing to have a choke hold on the state with increasing winds overnight not helping the matter. Wind Chill Advisories have been issued by the National Weather Service offices across the state due to very cold arctic air and increasing winds combining to produce wind chills of the 20 to 30 below zero range throughout tonight and tomorrow. After a short day of relief on Saturday with temperatures in the 20s and wind chills hovering around the zero to ten degree range, Sunday will again bring increasing winds with temperatures staying close to the zero mark, creating dangerous wind chills in the -20 to -30 degree range. It will get even worse on Monday with winds again increasing, but with temperatures being even colder in the -15 to -20 degree range. This will create very dangerous wind chills in the -40 to -50 degree range.

A wind chill advisory is issued when a strong wind will combine with cold temperatures to create dangerously cold conditions for exposed skin. The wind will make it feel like it is 20 degrees below zero or colder for a period of several hours. Those planning to venture outdoors should dress warmly, making sure that all exposed skin is covered.

Stay tuned to the Iowa Weather Network for the latest updates during this event.