All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report October 29th 2013


LOTS OF RAIN: Rain will overspread the state today through at least Halloween. Rain will be light today with it possibly ending later tonight into Wednesday morning or becoming a mist, drizzle or some fog. The heaviest of the rain will be Wednesday through early on Thursday. There may be some embedded thunderstorms along with the rain as well. Severe weather is not anticipated at this time, but we can’t rule out an isolated severe storm close to the Missouri border. Rainfall amounts at the end of this system are likely to range between 1-2” with some areas possibly receiving more. Highs today will be in the 40s north to 50s south. These will rise into the 50s and 60s on Wednesday with temperatures in the 50s Thursday and slowly falling through the day.

FIRST WEEKEND OF NOVEMBER: We’ll be changing our clocks on Saturday night an hour back, we’ll also be seeing our temperatures falling back into the 40s for highs Friday and again on Saturday. A weak disturbance rotating around the backside of the departing storm may bring a few flurries or light snow showers Friday night into Saturday but it shouldn’t amount to a whole lot. Winds will turn southerly Sunday bringing temperatures back to the 50s to near 60s across the state ahead of another storm that will be off to our west.

INTO THE DEPTHS OF NOVEMBER: The next system moves in late Monday night through Wednesday of next week, with colder air filtering down late Tuesday into Wednesday the rain may change over to a wintry mix or snow before ending. Cooler temperatures will reign the roost through at least Friday before winds again turn southerly boosting the temperatures back into the 50s to possibly near 60 for the following weekend. A couple quick moving systems around the 10th-11th and again on the 13th could bring us some precipitation at that time as well, but we’ll have plenty of time to watch those in the days to come.

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