All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report September 29th 2013


SLOWLY WARMING: Plenty of sunshine for the next few days with temperatures slowly warming as well. Readings today will be in the 70s statewide with readings bumping up into the lower 80s in the western half of the state on Monday as the winds begin to increase out of the south and southwest at that time. Tuesday will see plenty of the same with readings in the upper 70s through the middle 80s as a storm will move well to our north but will tend to slacken the winds off across the state at that time.

NEXT SYSTEM: The next system looks to take shape and move into the state late on Wednesday with some showers and thunderstorms at that time. This looks to last through Thursday and the first half of Friday before it moves off to the east. Much cooler air will follow in the wake of this system. This will be a quick shot as temperatures quickly moderate to near seasonal levels by the end of next weekend as another system looks to approach.

MOVING ON DOWN: Big changes at the end of the period/ model run as much cooler air looks to take aim at the state by the middle of the month. Up to that point readings look to be near seasonal levels with some shower activity especially ahead of the cold front that could bring the much colder air to the state.

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