All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report September 27th 2013


WARM THEN WET: Another warm day in store today with breezy southerly winds and temperatures well into the 80s. This is ahead of a storm system that will bring some isolated shower and storm chances to the northwestern counties later this afternoon and tonight. The rest of the state gets some rain on Saturday as the storm moves through. A good quarter to half inch of rain will be possible with this system. Temperatures will drop into the 70s for highs Saturday with the northwestern counties possibly staying in the upper 60s. SE Iowa may briefly get to 80 if the rain holds off until the middle of the day. The system will move out during the evening into the overnight hours with skies quickly clearing leading to a wonderful Sunday across the state with readings in the 70s.

WARM TREND CONTINUES: The winds swing back around to the south and southwest again by Monday and look to continue through the middle of the week as a storm tries to get its act together off to our west. Readings will slowly warm back into the upper 70s to lower 80s across the state even with it becoming October. There may be a few more clouds on Wednesday and Thursday as the storm draws closer but any rain chances look slim across the state at best. The better chances still look to be off to our west. The system looks to move in later on next Friday with some shower and thunderstorm chances at that time.

HEADING ON THROUGH OCTOBER: The extended period in this run is dry with some fluctuations in temperature, but the main storm track looks to be north of the state once again keeping any chance of rain far from here. This is bound to change so don’t put too much into this run at this point.

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