All of Iowa, Drought, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report September 15th 2013


RAINDAY: Good chances of rain today for most of the state outside the northwestern counties which may see some early day rain before skies begin to slowly clear. Highs today will range from the 60s to the mid 70s. Skies will slowly clear statewide tonight as the front moves out of the state. There could be some showers and perhaps a thunderstorm over the southeastern counties through the evening hours.

ACTIVE WEEK: The weather pattern is more active next week but it starts with some sunshine around on Monday with readings in the mid 60s to mid 70s across the state. Moisture begins to move back into the state Tuesday as a new storm organizes to our west and this will keep chances of showers and thunderstorms in the forecast off and on Wednesday through Friday when the cold front moves through the state. Readings will warm ahead of the front back into the upper 70s to mid 80s across the state. There has been some hints that some of the storms could become strong but we’re not in any position to specify if severe weather is possible at this time. We’ll have to wait at least until Monday before we’ll be able to determine that. In any case rainfall will be beneficial with at least an inch if not more for most of the state through Friday. Unfortunately, it’s too little too late for the crops this year, but any rain will help with ground moisture at this point. Next weekend right now looks dry and seasonal with readings in the 70s.

LOOKING ON OUT: The GFS is showing a ridge trying to form over the Great Lakes into New England while a trough carves out over the western half of the country. This would put the state in the battle zone with several disturbances bringing chances of showers and thunderstorms to the area. The better chances would be the farther west you are in the state if this happens to occur. Since this is the first time we’ve seen this on the model, confidence isn’t too high on this happening, but we’ll keep watching over the next few days.

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