All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report July 1st 2013


WELCOME TO ABNORMAL JULY WEATHER: It does not look like a typical July pattern across the middle part of the country with a upper level disturbance digging a substantial trough through the area. This will keep temperatures cooler than average across the area whereas in the west, a major heat wave will continue. There still looks to be some slight chances of an isolated shower or storm on Tuesday and Wednesday especially with the upper level disturbance nearby but the rain will be hit or miss, will likely occur in the afternoon into the evening hours and only drop a few hundredths of an inch at most. Many areas will get by with little if anything. Highs today through Wednesday will be in the upper 70s to lower 80s.

INDEPENDENCE DAY: The trough begins to open up here on Thursday and the upper level disturbance will finally depart to the northeast. There could be an isolated shower in the afternoon on Thursday (Independence Day) but the chances are more slim than on Tuesday and Wednesday so there is no need to cancel any outdoor plans. Temperatures will begin to warm as well as the winds switch around back to the south, with readings in the lower 80s.

MORE SUMMER LIKE: Next weekend and into the extended period the westerlies look to move just to our north but close enough where we could get grazed with some chances of showers and thunderstorms, otherwise temperatures will be more July like across the area with 80s to around 90 degrees each day. There doesn’t look to be the extreme heat in the near term but we’ll watch to see if there’s a trend in that direction.

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