There is a slight risk of severe weather for today and tonight (Sunday) across nearly the entire state of Iowa except the far northwestern part. The front that moved through the state on Friday is expected to retreat back north as a warm front later this morning. Thunderstorms will form along the retreating front. These may have the capability of producing some large hail. By afternoon, the threats will shift. A new front will move into the state from the northwest. Showers and thunderstorms will develop along this front. Large hail, damaging winds and an isolated tornado will be possible with these storms in the afternoon. Much depends on what the morning convection will do and how many debris clouds will be left over from them. If not, severe weather will be limited to mainly large hail and damaging winds. The storms in Iowa will likely form into a Mesoscale Convective System (MCS) and move through the state after sunset. Damaging winds will be the main threat after sunset. There is still some uncertainity over where the fronts will be situated and when morning convection will move out. Thus the situation today is very fluid.