96 years ago on March 23, 1913 a tornado blew across Omaha killing 115 people in Omaha. Several other tornadoes hit that Easter Sunday, including a tornado that hit Berlin NE, and another that missed the town of Harlan in Shelby County. In Iowa, 33 people died from the Easter Sunday Tornadoes, including 17 killed at Council Bluffs, 2 at Weston, 2 at Gilliat, 3 at Neola, 5 near Glenwood, 2 at Logan and 2 at Beebeetown. The tornado blew into downtown Omaha shortly after 5pm (Interesting to note that the tornadic storm that blew over Western Omaha today also occurred just passed 5pm) More on this storm will be posted later this week when the weather quiets down.