All of Iowa, Severe Weather, Winter Weather

Iowa Forecast Discussion April 30th 2013

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NEXT FEW DAYS: A cold front which brought some severe weather to the state during the late evening into the early morning hours will still be around today. Another batch of showers and thunderstorms is possible along with the threat for some severe weather as well. Temperatures today will be in the 60s far NW to lower to middle 80s SE. Tonight showers and thunderstorms will be numerous across the state as the cold front slowly moves through. Wednesday will be noticeably cooler in the northern and western counties where highs will drop into the 40s and 50s, meanwhile 70s to near 80 will be common in the far east and southeast before temperatures there start to fall. It continues to look rainy and showery for the rest of the week with the threat that some of the precipitation especially at night may changeover to a wintry mix or possibly all snow. Models continue to spit out ridiculous amounts which seem unlikely. With the upper level cold core lows meandering around through the weekend, it looks like the showery and rather cool weather will continue as well before finding exiting the area possibly on Monday of next week.

Out past seven days, the GFS is showing a big trough digging through the eastern half of the country around the 11th-12th. We would be on the edge of that cold blast, thus temperatures are likely to drop back into the 50s at least before rebounding quickly thereafter. We should have a video up on Wednesday dependent on possible severe weather at that time.