All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report January 20th 2013


IN THE FREEZER: It wouldn’t last, and it didn’t. The warm weather of the last few days is now long gone and in its place, polar air with temperatures hovering in the single digits and teens for highs and lows below zero in many areas. There is a slight chance of some light snow today across the state. Amounts will be light with many areas getting a dusting, but northwestern Iowa could get some accumulating snow that could add an inch or so to the ground.

REMAINING SO: Readings don’t budge much the rest of this upcoming week. Highs in the single digits and teens will slowly warm into the teens to near 20 by the end of the week. Flurries again are possible Thursday, but that won’t amount to a whole lot at this time. It could be next weekend by the time we get readings close to seasonal levels once again.

THIS STORM WON’T GO AWAY: The GFS continues to hint at a possible storm around the 29th and 30th of January. According to this model run, the low pressure center would track south and then east of the state putting Iowa on the cold side of the storm with some possible snow accumulations. Some warm air may also filter into the southeastern counties that could bring some liquid precipitation before it changes over. This is still more than a week out, but the trend continues over the last 3 days, so we need to continue to watch this in future IWR’s.

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