All of Iowa, Forecast, Winter Weather

Iowa Weather Report November 27th 2012


SAME OLD WEATHER: It’s becoming quite a broken record of no real big storm systems moving through the state over the last few days and weeks. Outside of a few flurries in far southern Iowa into Missouri yesterday it’s been tranquil. It will warm up however through the week with highs today in the 30s to lower 40s rising into the 50s by the end of the week into the weekend.

STORM COMES BUT WILL PRECIP?: A storm will move into the state early next week with the slightest of chances of precipitation along it. It doesn’t look too promising at the moment thus we may have to wait until the storm after that one to get anything measurable across the area. It will bring temperatures back to reality with 30s for highs early next week.

SNOWBOUND: The GFS today is showing at least 1 perhaps 2 or even 3 storms that may bring us some snow. The bad part about this is, the first one isn’t forecast for at least two weeks, thus could go away as could all the other storms on the very next model run. If this happens to be right however, we could get some light snow around the 9th of December, followed by a more significant storm on the 11th followed by another more potent storm around the middle of the month. Trends have been lately showing these big storms and as time goes along they tend to look weaker and weaker and have less and less moisture so that by the time we get to the said date, we either get nothing or just a few clouds. We’ll see if that trend albeit not good for those who want snow continues.

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