All of Iowa, Forecast, Tropical

Iowa Weather Report October 28th 2012


CONTINUED CALM: No real changes in the weather upcoming this week with partly to mostly sunny skies and highs remaining in the mid 40s to mid 50s for highs with lows in the mid 20s to lower to mid 30s. There is no threat of any precipitation until next weekend at the earliest.

SANDY: The storm that will be making the news over the next week or more is currently off the Carolina Coast moving NE. It will turn back to the west Monday and make landfall somewhere between the Delmarva and New York City late Monday night or Tuesday morning. This will be a high impact storm capable of producing widespread wind damage, coastal flooding and even heavy snow in the mountains of West Virginia down in northwestern North Carolina. The storm will stick around as the center begins to fill (weaken) and slowly move to the north taking the wind and precipitation with it by late this week, however the aftermath from this storm could take a lot longer than that.

NOVEMBER MENACE: Several systems for the month of November, but the GFS is showing more antics for New England and the mid-Atlantic once again with not one but perhaps two more nor’easters within 5 days of each other just passed Election Day. We’ll watch to see if this continues on future runs. Around here we may be seeing our first widespread snow of the year around the same time as well, but we need to see more model data over the next few days before we have more confidence in that solution.

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