All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report October 17th 2012


RAINY DAYS: Three rainy days ahead for the state with a swirling low pressure moving through the upper Midwest and western Great Lakes. This won’t be an all day rain but clouds will be tough to get rid of most of the next 72 hours across the state. Some peeks of sun are possible but they aren’t going to be long lasting. Showers will be more numerous today with a cold front moving through the state. Some of these showers may have some embedded thunder especially in the southeastern counties later this afternoon. Scattered showers will continue on Thursday and Friday as well with numerous breaks of cloudy and very blustery winds. Temperatures will not be anywhere close to what they were on Tuesday. Highs today will be in the 60s falling into the lower 50s by late afternoon. Thursday and Friday will see readings in the 40s and lower 50s depending on the amount of rainfall and cloudiness.

WEEKEND DRY: The weekend comes and the weather dries out across the state and the sun makes an appearance. This will also warm us back up into the 50s to lower 60s Saturday for college football games across the state and 60s to near 70 on Sunday.

ACTIVE WEATHER CONTINUES?: The GFS Model Run continues to show a zonal flow across the area to end the month. This, (if it pans out) would bring quick moving storms across the area with little bits of precipitation along them. Temperatures will be near seasonal levels for late October with highs in the 50s and lows in the 30s. Some of the precip could be in wintry form, but it’s way too far to discuss that at this time.

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