All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report September 30th 2012


WARM TODAY: Another warmer than average day across the state with 70s to lower 80s with mainly sunny skies and dry conditions. A cold front will move through the state with only a few clouds to show for it Monday but it will cool readings back into the 70s until Thursday.

COLD AIR MOVIN’ IN: The much anticipated cold push from Canada will arrive on Thursday and Friday with some chances of showers and perhaps an isolated thunderstorm or two. Rainfall looks to be light with this system, but given the lack of precipitation the last two weeks, any rainfall would be appreciated mainly for replenishing soil and subsoil moisture at this time. Readings will take a dive back into the 50s and 60s for highs Friday and into the following weekend as well.

ROLLER COASTER OF OCTOBER: As mentioned in several of these discussions of late, the GFS has been poor passed the 7 day time period and today’s run is no exception. Today shows a warm up possibly back into the 70s to near 80 for highs in about ten days time followed by another quick shot of cold air toward the end of the forecast at mid month. Given the wide ranging looks this far out we’ll just keep watching and following any trends that last for a day or two.

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