All of Iowa, Forecast

Iowa Weather Report September 27th 2012


DRY DRY DRY: No real changes for the next couple of days with continued dry weather through the weekend at least across the state. Readings will remain in the 60s and 70s for highs with lows mainly in the 40s (with some upper 30s in cooler locales) The GFS is wanting to bring some isolated chances of rain on Monday with a frontal system moving past. This doesn’t look very likely at this time but we’ll continue to watch model runs to see if this trend continues. Even if it does, the rainfall would be very spotty and very light at best.

BETTER PRECIP CHANCES: The chances of precipitation look to get better around the first weekend of October and into the following week if the GFS run pans out. Temperatures look to continue to remain near seasonal levels through the first weekend of October before a slight cool down is possible from the north. We’ve been seeing this off and on the last few days but we’ll see with a few more runs for any continuing trends.

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