All of Iowa, Drought

Iowa Forecast Video 7/31/2012


CONTINUED WARM CONTINUED DRY: No real changes this week regarding both the dry weather and the warmer than average weather we’ve had all summer long. Readings will be above average all week with slightly cooler temperatures by the end of the week. The only chance of rain looks to come in Thursday into Friday morning, but this looks slight at best right now. Another slightly better chance comes Saturday into Sunday morning as well.

HEAT IS ON: The heat looks to return next week as the heat ridge moves back close to the state once again. We might be far enough from the center of the heat bubble to perhaps give us a chance of seeing some isolated showers and storms but it’s not looking likely at this time. The GFS is showing a possible relief from this heat by the middle of the month around the middle of the Iowa State Fair. This could bring temperatures back to seasonal levels if this pans out, but more often than not, many of these “reliefs from the heat” never materialize and the heat always seems to return with earnest across the area. We’ll have to wait and see.

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