All of Iowa, Drought

Iowa Forecast Video 7/29/2012


BLAND AND BORING: The weather will be fairly comfortable and pleasant over the next few days with slowly warming temperatures close to 90 by mid-week. It’s also going to remain dry at least through that time as well, not helping farmers that still need the rain in their fields.

ANY RAIN?: The GFS wants to bring some rain showers into the state late Thursday into Friday and perhaps Saturday as well. Right now this chance is a bit up in the air, so we’ll just mention the possibility of some rain those three days right now, but this could change in future runs. Temperatures will remain a few degrees either side of 90 into next weekend as well.

NO EXTREME HEAT: There doesn’t look to be any extreme heat coming back to the state at least within in the next two weeks. Right now seasonal to slightly above average temps look to be the norm through the middle of August at this point, with few chances of rain.

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