All of Iowa, Drought

Iowa Forecast Video 7/28/2012


PLEASANT CONTINUES: No changes from yesterday’s discussion regarding the weekend. Seasonal if not slightly BELOW average readings and sunshine will prevail across the state. The chances of rain this weekend which in all fairness with the severe to extreme drought across the state could be considered as “pleasant” also still look on target as well. Tonight into Sunday morning and again late Sunday look to be the best chances right now. Temperatures after this weekend will be back above average but by only a few degrees with readings in the upper 80s to lower 90s statewide through at least mid-week.

MORE ACTIVE: With no signs of a heat wave returning at least at this time, we will be in a northwesterly flow with several disturbances riding along it that could spark off some showers and thunderstorms next week, especially Thursday and Friday. A more pinpointed forecast on this chance will be forthcoming in future videos and or discussions at that time. As of now, there is no indications of the drought easing off anytime soon.

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