All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 6/28/2012 Evening


HOT WITH STORMS: The GFS continues to be bullish on some continued chances of showers and thunderstorms. These storm chances are likely to be mainly nocturnal and isolated with everyone not seeing rainfall every night over the next couple of days. Some of the storms could get strong if they develop with hail and wind being the main threats at this point. QPF Chart does show rainfall of at least an inch across the state over the next 5 days but this looks to be a bit overdone, with some isolated areas getting up to that with many areas seeing a half inch at most.

JULY 4TH: GFS is showing the chance of showers and thunderstorms again Wednesday with the Independence Day holiday. Although the better chances will be in Wisconsin and Illinois, can’t rule out an isolated shower or storm in the eastern counties of the state that day into the evening. Fireworks time should be ok with only a small chance of a shower at that point, but more fine tuning will need to be done before we can say for certain that the chance of rain is going to be there.

INTO MID JULY: Continued warm weather with a few chances of showers and thunderstorms into the middle of the month, temperatures look to remain in the 80s and 90s through the period with no real hot weather in sight at least for now. We’ll keep monitoring.

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