[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_pa0XGd8s8&w=480&h=360]
SYNOPSIS: The weather pattern will be seasonally warm for late May with several chances of showers and thunderstorms over the state at mid-week. Today however, a cold front will move through the state kicking off a few storms some which may be strong but likely not severe. Some runs have it moving through by mid-afternoon, others hold off to the evening. It will be dry Sunday night through at least Tuesday before the next system makes a run on the state with some shower and thunderstorm activity at that time. Rainfall will be needed in good quantity with the crops now in the field so any long dry spell may do harm to those crops.
INTO JUNE: The weather pattern continues to bring average to above average temperatures across the state with several chances of rainfall during the stretch. However summertime convection and summertime systems can be very hard to detect even a day out, so looking two weeks out is just seeing what the model says today at this point. We’ll wait for future runs to give an opinion.
THANKS: Thank you to Henry for keeping the blog running while yours truly was on vacation. It may take me a few days to get re situated to the weather here so bare with me at this point.
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