
Protect the National Weather Service from Budget Cuts

SIGN THE PETIION: https://wwws.whitehouse.gov/petitions/%21/petition/prevent-budget-cuts-national-weather-service/nQVPd4l2

From Iowa’s Severe Weather Center and the Iowa Weather Blog, please sign this petition. 2011 was a devastating year for natural disasters. Running off of a small budget already, they got warnings out that saved many people’s lives. But now, the United States government is threatening budget cuts against them unless this petition receives 25,000 votes by March 16th. We’re only at about 1,000. We have 4 weeks to get 24,000 more votes. Please take 1-3 minutes out of your day and sign this petition. The National Weather Service most likely saved your life — giving you the knowledge that bad weather is approaching. If we did not have them, or had less of them, many more people could have been killed during natural disasters. So, again, please sign the petition. Thank you.

“The passing of the proposed budget cuts for the NWS(National Weather Service)’s budget must not be allowed to happen, Allowing such budget cuts will not only cripple the NWS’s ability(ies) to predict up and coming storms that has and will save many lives will put our nationals people back at risk of more unnecessary loss of lives. Further more a look at 2011’s massive tornado outbreak, in April 2011 these tornadoes killed at least 344 people people in the Southeast, Midwest, and Northeast in just April alone. With the aid of radars, satellites and the employees that issued warnings of these storms saved many lives. I dare not think of the total losses that would have come if not for the NWS’s warnings of these destructive storms.”