All of Iowa, Winter Weather

Iowa Forecast Video 2/12/2012


SNOW WEEK: Some light snow is coming to the state Monday and then again on Wednesday. The Monday system looks to bring about 1-2″ across the state, with about an inch on Wednesday. This won’t be a major system by any means, but there will be some slippery spots on the roads during the snowfall. Temperatures will warm back to seasonal levels as well with readings in the upper 20s to middle to upper 30s for highs.

NEXT ONE: After a slight cool off on Thursday following the Wednesday system, temperatures warm ahead of the next storm that is expected late on Saturday into Sunday of the following weekend. This one looks to be similar to the Monday system, but it’s too early to determine snow amounts with this system as it will be warmer and there could be some rain mixed in.

END OF MONTH: This run continues to show a more active period to end the month of February, but this run isn’t as active as previous runs. There still are some systems about, but there not as strong as other runs. Temperatures will remain near seasonal levels with several shots of cooler air in the wake of systems as they pass by.