All of Iowa, Winter Weather

Iowa Forecast Video 1/12/2012


SNOW ACROSS THE EAST: Accumulating snow will continue throughout the day across the eastern counties of the state. A Winter Weather Advisory remains in effect for the area through the evening hours. Snowfall amounts could top 6″ in some areas depending on where the heavy snow band sets up. A broad brush 2-5″ will fall east of a Cresco to Waterloo to Ottumwa to Bloomfield line, with lighter amounts to the west. The system will pull out later tonight and bring the cold air that has seemingly been absent all year back to stay for awhile. Temperatures by Friday morning may be in the single digits if not close to 0°, with wind chills possibly as low as -10°

MORE SNOW!?: A brief and weak system will move through Saturday that could touch off a few flurries or a light snow shower. No accumulations are expected. Another chance on Monday may accompany some rain or even a mix with temperatures near the freezing mark across the state. Several more chances follow next week with several possible systems.

RECORDS!: It’s hard to believe given the snow falling that there were record highs yesterday as mentioned in an earlier post on Wednesday. Cedar Rapids, Dubuque, Iowa City, Burlington and Moline IL all broke or tied records for the date. With snow on the ground now, we won’t be seeing any temperatures like that for sometime now.