All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 12/31/2011


WINDY WEEKEND: Today we’ll see readings back into the 40s to near 50 for highs. Enjoy it while it lasts as a cold front will bring colder and windier conditions to the state beginning later tonight and lasting through the day on Sunday. Temperatures will drop back to near seasonal levels for the early part of January with highs back into the 20s to lower 30s with lows in the teens.

GRADUAL WARMING: The cold blast lasts for about a day or two before readings climb back above average again. Temperatures will again approach and exceed 40° by the end of next week. Weather will remain dry and the ground will remain without snow (even areas that got snow Thursday night into Friday will see most if not all of it melt today). Many of the snow making systems on this model run are well over a week away. We still have time to look at them, but right now any accumulating snow is out of the question for at least the next week.