All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 12/21/2011


BROWN CHRISTMAS: There will be no snow on the ground throughout the state for Christmas. The storm that was off to our southwest fizzles as forecast and brought a few light snow showers and flurries along with some drizzle and light rain across the southern half of the state. This continued into the overnight hours as well with some slippery roads possible during the morning hours today. Outside of a few flurries on Thursday into Friday, there is no big storms in the offing and thus no snow for Christmas.

WARMER NEW YEAR’S: A ridge looks to develop over the Plains by New Year’s which may lead to 2012 starting with readings in the 30s and 40s across the state and again there’s likely to be no snow on the ground then either. The snow drought continues, however a few days into the new year the warmer conditions will come to a crashing end with a possible push of Arctic Weather and some snow but this is still a 10-14 days out and may change between now and then.