All of Iowa, Winter Weather

Iowa Forecast Video 11/29/2011


SLIGHT CHANCES: The weather still looks to remain fairly quiet until this coming weekend. Only a slight chance of a few snow showers on Thursday will be the only precipitation chance until late on Saturday into Sunday. Temperatures will remain near seasonal averages for late November into early December. 30s for highs and 20s for lows.

WEEKEND STORM: The storm is still a bit of a question at this time. The timing and the track are still in doubt as well. If the storm tracks to the southeast of where it’s forecast now, there will be little if any precipitation late Saturday through Sunday. As of now, the best chance of any rain and snow will be over the southeastern half of the state. It’s too early to determine amounts at this time, but there could be at least a quarter inch of liquid precipitation. Right now we don’t know if this will be in the form of rain and or snow. A quick 10:1 ratio (the norm for most snows) would suggest around 2 inches as the max, but again it’s too early to determine amounts and track. Stay tuned. This will be followed by some colder weather with highs struggling to reach the freezing mark with lows dropping into the single digits and teens. Again December 1st marks the start of Meteorological Winter, so this was bound to happen sooner or later.