All of Iowa, Winter Weather

Iowa Forecast Video 11/27/2011


ALMOST, NOT QUITE: It will be more seasonal today into this coming week. Temperatures will be back into the 30s and 40s with lows in the 20s. The storm system that brought the rain to the state on Sautrday will be just off to the east. An upper level low will bring some rain and possibly some wet snow over the Ohio and Tennessee River valleys. As is moves off, it may graze the eastern counties of the state with a few clouds on Tuesday, otherwise the rest of the week will be fairly quiet, outside a slight chance of a snow shower on Thursday with another push of Canadian air.

ANY SNOW?: With December beginning on Thursday and Christmas only 4 weeks away, many are wondering when we’ll get some snow. The latest model run shows there to be a chance next weekend with a system coming from the west. Moisture will come in from the Gulf of Mexico and with enough cold air in place some snow is possible, however given that it’s still a week out, we can’t make any forecasts on accumulations at this time. We’ll have to wait and see. Another storm a few days later could also bring some light accumulations as well.