All of Iowa

Iowa Forecast Video 8/26/2011


MOSTLY DRY: It looks to remain quite dry across the state for the next several days. Outside of a chance of an isolated shower later today in western Iowa. The chances of rain diminish rapidly through the upcoming weekend and into next week. A ridge develops south and east of the state after the passage of Irene along the east coast. This will keep a storm system just to the west of the state through the next several days. It will also by the middle of next week begin to bring back the heat and humidity once more. Perhaps the last gasp of TRIPLE H! for the summer. Thunderstorm chances may return by late next week (at least as of this run)

SEPTEMBER: Further into the month of September, the pattern begins to look more like Fall, with several shots of cooler Canadian air moving in, along with shots of showers and isolated thunderstorms. We’ll see if this pattern holds as the state, especially the southern half needs some rain.