All of Iowa, Forecast

Summer Sun, Something’s Begun

IN THE GOOD OL’ SUMMERTIME: When you think of summer during the depths of winter chill, you think of the days like today and tomorrow will be. Mainly sunny with readings in the 80s and 90s and heat indices up to 100. That’s what we’ll see as any precipitation will stay away from the state until late Thursday night into early on Friday. This will be with a cold front coming in from the northwest. This will bring cooler readings to the state this coming weekend when readings will be in the upper 70s to the middle 80s.

INTO NEXT WEEK: The front is still shown to stall just south of the state over the weekend. This may be close enough to skirt our southern counties with a chance of showers and storms through the weekend. Meanwhile the rest of the state will remain dry. The front is shown to move back north late Sunday night and Monday with another widespread chance at some precipitation at that time. As we look toward the middle of next week and the state of the Iowa State Fair that begins next Thursday, the GFS is indicating that the heat and humidity is looking to return once more with readings possibly back into the 90s with heat indices near or over 100 once again. We couldn’t rule out any shower and storm activity during the afternoon and evening hours during the middle to end of next week, but there’s plenty of time for models to change their thinking. Nevertheless, the first few days of the fair are looking to be warm and humid.

OFF TO THE FAIR: Looking through the rest of the period which takes us through the middle of the fair in Des Moines, the GFS shows a warm and humid weather with chances of showers and storms from time to time. Readings are shown to be in the 80s and 90s with perhaps a slight cooling off toward the end of the period. Too much uncertainty with summertime convection and placement of any possible boundaries precludes any real confidence this far out at this time.

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