All of Iowa, Forecast

Isn’t it Lovely

WONDERFUL WEEKEND: Cooler temperatures with some slight chances of precipitation will be what’s in store this weekend across the state. Today there will be some clouds around with a slight chance of showers and storms around. Readings will be in the 70s to lower 80s across the state. The chance of rain albeit slight, sticks around on Saturday with more sunshine around as well. Highs on Saturday will be in the upper 70s north to lower and middle 80s south. Sunday will be the driest of the weekend with little to no precipitation possible and highs similar to Saturday.

THE HEAT IS TURNING ON: Sunday night into Monday, a warm front is shown to move across the state. This will bring increased chances of showers and storms to the state. This run is a bit slower with the movement of the front on Monday as the eastern counties may still only see readings in the lower 80s while the western counties of the state will be well into the 90s with heat indices at or over 100. We’ll watch the timing carefully over the coming days. Tuesday and Wednesday will be very warm with readings in the 90s across the state with heat indices at or over 100. Likely some heat headlines will be needed for the state at that time. It looks to be mainly dry during this time however the GFS has some possible chances of nocturnal activity close enough to the area to warrant a chance of some precipitation Monday night into Tuesday (with the departing warm front), and Tuesday night into Wednesday. It will be something to watch for nevertheless.

FURTHER ALONG INTO AUGUST: The end of next week will feature a cold front moving into the state Thursday into Friday with shower and thunderstorm chances increasing along it. Temperatures on Thursday are still expected to be in the 90s for the most part with readings backing off into the 80s on Friday when the chances of rain increase. Further into the month and the model period, heat is still shown to be building once again off to the west as we head toward the week of State Fair. As of this model run, the heat is shown to be mainly over the western third of the state for only a day or two before there is a slight break and then a more substantial heat bubble moves a bit closer to the area toward the first weekend of the State Fair. Precipitation chances look remote during the extended period with a better chance toward the end of the period on the 13th. Still a lot of uncertainty during the period that is yet to be resolved.

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