All of Iowa, Forecast

Not Quite Perfect

INTO THE WEEKEND: Shower and thunderstorm chances will continue mainly over the eastern half of the state today as a system slowly moves out of the state. The rest of the state looks to be mostly cloudy with perhaps some sunshine peeking out in the far western counties by the afternoon. Highs today will be in the upper 70s north to the lower 80s south. The chance of showers and storms dwindles as we head into Friday and Saturday but it doesn’t drop to zero as there still will be a chance of some widely scattered activity either day across the eastern counties especially. Highs will be in the upper 70s over the northeastern counties to the lower and middle 80s out west. Sunday looks to be dry for the entire state with 80s across the board.

AUGUST: Heading into next week and a new month, a warm front will move through the state on Monday which could trigger a shower or storm along it. It will also bring much warmer air to the state along with high humidity once again. Readings on Monday will be in the 80s east and lower 90s west. Those temperatures will only go up as Tuesday shows 90s across the entire state with heat indices likely at or over 100 for most. This will likely lead to heat advisories or excessive heat warnings once again, something the weather service will likely keep tabs on. The heat is still shown to last through Thursday when the next storm system moves in for the west. This will increase the chances of showers and thunderstorms late Thursday into Friday of next week. At that time, readings will drop back into the 80s to near 90 on Friday.

BEYOND: Further into the model run, the GFS shows the heat building once again off to our west. It will be close enough the temperatures in the western counties may get into the lower 90s while the rest of the state remains in the lower to middle 80s. The heat seemingly stays just west of the state through the end of the period with the western counties possibly seeing some lower 90s as we near the beginning of State Fair. Chances of precipitation look to be fairly slight at best with very spotty activity possible toward the end of the period. Nothing concrete for sure, but something to monitor nevertheless.

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