All of Iowa, Forecast

The Heat is On!

BURN BABY BURN: The heat wave will be in full force today across the state with partly to mostly sunny skies with some haze as well. Highs will be in the middle to upper 90s with some readings getting to or over 100 in some areas. Heat indices will be between 105 and 110+ during the afternoon hours. This will last into Friday as well with similar readings and similar sky conditions as well. Lows at night will not drop much below the middle to upper 70s across the state with heat indices staying close to 80 throughout the night tonight and again Friday night into Saturday. There is a slight chance of a shower or storm tonight mainly just north and northeast of the state, Friday during the afternoon hours in our northeastern counties and Friday night in the northwestern counties of the state. A better chance of showers and storms comes Saturday even though the heat will remain with readings a degree or two cooler.

COOLING OFF: A cold front will come through the state on Sunday with a chance of showers and storms but the GFS doesn’t really show a lot of precipitation with it, so confidence isn’t great at this point with that. Early next week high pressure will nose in from the north and this will lead to cooler readings back into the 80s for the most part with humidity levels being much lower as well. The weather pattern looks to turn more active as chances of precipitation increase by late on Tuesday looking to last through the rest of the week with some breaks here and there.

LOOKING INTO AUGUST: As we look at the extended period, the GFS is showing some mid-latitude systems moving through the area with chances of showers and storms along them every few days. This also shows that the flow looks to be mainly zonal across the area which would indicate temperatures staying close to seasonal levels in the 80s to near 90. If anything changes in upcoming model runs, we’ll let you know.

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