All of Iowa, Forecast

Another Chance of Rain Coming

APPROACHING STORM: A storm system will be approaching from the west later today into the weekend. This will bring a chance of showers and thunderstorms to the state later today in our western counties and into tonight and Saturday across the rest of the state. Some of the storms on Saturday could be strong to possibly severe. Rainfall amounts of a half to three quarters of an inch are possible with heavier totals possible in areas with repeated activity. Some areas may get less than this as well. Highs today will be in the 80s across the state with partly to mostly sunny skies. Even on Saturday with the chance of precipitation being high, we still could squeeze out some sunshine with readings into the 80s and lower 90s.

A REFRESHING RECHARGE: The system will move out of the state early on Sunday morning bringing some quieter and cooler readings to the state at that time. Highs in the 70s to lower 80s will be possible Sunday into Monday with partly to mostly sunny skies after the early Sunday rain. What will need to be watched is any nocturnal thunderstorm development to our west that could graze our southwestern counties Monday night into Tuesday morning and again Tuesday night into Wednesday morning. The chance is there, but we won’t know where or if it will move through those counties until it actually forms and begins moving.

END OF NEXT WEEK: The chances of precipitation come up a bit as some rain could move a bit further into the state Thursday and Friday of next week with a weak system moving through along with the continued nocturnal activity along the thermal boundary between the hot temperatures over the southwest and the cooler readings over the Great Lakes and New England. Any shift in that placement north or northeastward a hundred miles could drastically change the forecast here for the whole week and not just the end of the week. Confidence isn’t high enough to commit one way or the other.

JULY TIME: The extended period looks muddled with chances of precipitation and mainly seasonal readings with no real heat waves seen at this time. The 4th of July looks quiet but the preceding two days don’t look as quiet. There is still a lot of questions that are left unanswered and this run isn’t going to answer them at least past the 7-10 day cycle, so it’s a waiting game.

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