
Early Morning Weather Update

Here’s a quick look at the weather situation as of 2:30 a.m. or so.

There are two lines that are expected to impact the state this morning. The first one it currently in northeastern Nebraska, moving to the northeast at 30-40 MPH. This line was originally severe in central Nebraska, but has since weakened. This will enter northwest Iowa (Sioux Falls and Sioux City included) probably around 4:30 – 5:00 a.m. this morning. Those in northwest Iowa should expect some continuous moderate-to-heavy rain with this as training is undergoing to the west of this line – causing a longer period of rain as it moves slowly by.


Another line, in-state, currently exists across southwestern Iowa. This is a bit smaller in proportion compared to the one above. Heavy rain is also possible with this smaller line, and perhaps some small hail and gusty winds. This is moving faster, at about 35-45 MPH to the northeast. Areas northwest of the metro will likely see this line by 4-5 a.m. Some training is also possible with this to the southwest, causing rain to last through morning.


Additional storms also exist farther west into Nebraska that may make their way into the state later this morning.

Temperatures are currently sitting mildly in the mid 60s northeast to low 70s southwest. Temperatures will be cooler today, in the 70s for most locations.

Stay tuned to the Iowa Weather Network for the latest updates!