All of Iowa, Forecast

Somehow We Got Stuck on the Great Weather Elevator

MORE GREAT DAYS: Not a whole lot to say with regards to the weather through Sunday with plenty of sunshine around and temperatures slowly inching up through the 60s and into the lower and middle 70s by Sunday. There is a slight chance of a shower in southern Iowa however the chances are under 20-30% and I took the chance out on the forecast graphics seen in video.

AND THEN THE NOT SO GREAT DAYS: The great weather takes a turn as we head into Sunday night and Monday with the first system in a series of systems moving through the state next week. This will bring chances of showers and thunderstorms to the state, some of which could become strong to possibly severe. There are still some details to be ironed out with regards to any severe weather so stay tuned. Highs during the period look to range from the upper 60s through the lower 80s depending on the amount of sunshine we could get during the dry periods. There is also a chance (from seeing this run) of nocturnal activity as well (a typical summer occurrence). Given the amount of activity possible during the week, there could be an increased chance for some flooding toward the end of the week but we know more on that until the first system comes in Sunday night into Monday. Stay tuned.

INTO THE START OF UNOFFICIAL SUMMER: Continuing on through the holiday weekend and into June, the GFS continues to show an active weather pattern through the weekend and into June with some slightly (and I mean slightly) drier weather seen toward the end of the period. The trend continues to stay relatively wet and somewhat mild as well but timing and strength are factors that are nowhere close to being forecast this far out. It’s more of a monitoring situation at this stage.

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