All of Iowa, Forecast

“Heavenly” Weather On the 60 isotherm

MAINLY DRY: The weather continues to look dry through the end of the week with readings remaining slightly below seasonal levels. Plenty of sunshine will be around the state today and tomorrow as well. Highs will be in the 60s today and upper 60s to lower 70s on Thursday. Yesterday we mentioned a chance of some rain on Friday across the state. This run of the GFS is not showing a whole lot of precipitation across the state. While we can’t rule out the chance of some rain on Friday, chances are dropping at this time. Nevertheless there will be more clouds around on Friday with readings still remaining in the 60s to around 70. As we head into the weekend, temperatures will begin to climb into the 70s with partly to mostly sunny skies. We will see an increase in cloudiness on Sunday with the next system approaching from the west.

ACTIVE WEEK: Several systems look to impact the state next week with chances of showers and thunderstorms as well. Highs during the period look to range in the 70s and 80s. Some of the storms could become strong to severe but it’s too early to denote specifics at this time. These will not be all-day rains by any means as there will be some dry breaks and possibly some sunshine as well (mainly in the morning and early afternoons). The timing of the disturbances are still up in the air as they do look to last all week at this time.

MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND AND BEYOND: As we look at the unofficial start of summer and into the first few days of June, the weather pattern doesn’t show a whole lot of change with continued chances of showers and storms and likely warm and humid weather as well. Now whether this trend continues in coming days is up in the air, but we would have to look out for the possibility of flooding if this were to continue. Still no real trend developing in this period at this time.

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