All of Iowa, Forecast

Clouds Going, Sun’s On the Loose

NOT MUCH: Several dry days ahead across the state with rain chances looking to stay south of the state today and likely until the end of the week. It will be cooler than average today through Thursday with readings in the 60s both days with partly to mostly sunny skies. There will be a few more clouds in our southern counties today with the system to our south.

INTO THE WEEKEND: A system looks to move into the state on Friday bringing a chance of some showers. Skies look to be mostly cloudy and that looks to hold readings down into the lower and middle 60s on Friday. This doesn’t look to be an all-day rain by any means nor does it look to be heavy either. Sunshine returns for Saturday and Sunday with temperatures in the upper 60s through the middle 70s with winds out of the south.

NEXT WEEK: Heading into next week, a storm system will be approaching from the west on Monday bringing a chance of some showers and thunderstorms to the state. It will also bring summer like readings and humidity for the first time together this year. Highs will climb into the 70s and even 80s on Tuesday with some sunshine possible along with the shower and storm chances. With the warm temperatures and dew points in the 60s and possibly lower 70s, the term heat index will come into play as well but these readings look to be no higher than the lower 90s at best. With regards to severe weather chances, it’s too early to speculate at this time, but it looks possible nonetheless. The active weather is shown to last through the rest of next week with several disturbances moving through the area.

FURTHER ALONG: As we look further through the month of May toward June, the active weather pattern is shown to continue even into Memorial Day weekend with temperatures likely remaining in the 70s and 80s across the state. Nothing much else during the extended at this time.

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