All of Iowa, Forecast

Cool Night, Cool Rider, Coolio

COOLING DOWN: We’re heading into a cooler period for the rest of the week and into the weekend with some possible frost coming up Saturday morning. In the meantime, skies will be turning partly to mostly sunny as the storm system that brought the showers and storms yesterday will be off to the east. Temperatures will be a bit cooler across the state but not by much with highs in the 60s and lower 70s. A clipper system looks to drop into the state from the northwest on Friday with a chance of some showers and even a thunderstorm or two. There may be enough cold air aloft for some hail or graupel to fall. There will be some sunshine early on especially in our eastern counties, otherwise mostly cloudy skies will be in order. Highs on Friday will be in the middle to upper 50s north to near 70 south. Cooler air will filter in as we head into the weekend and temperatures Saturday morning are likely to drop into the 30s for most of the state except the far southeast. There could be some isolated patches of frost across our northern counties but winds look to stay up and skies don’t look to be completely clear to make the frost more widespread across the state. A better chance might take place Saturday night into Sunday morning over the northeastern counties where winds will be lighter and skies will be mostly clear.

NEXT WEEK: Heading into next week, another system approaches the state from the west on Monday bringing with it a chance of some rain. This would likely keep temperatures down into the 50s if not cooler, both Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday will see some sunshine returning to the state with readings back into the lower and middle 60s at that time. Thursday and Friday looks to turn a bit showery once again with readings in the lower and middle 60s.

THROUGH THE MEADOW OF MAY: As we look further through the month of May, temperatures are shown to be more typical of mid to late May as the colder air looks to head back into Canada. There are a few systems but nothing of any significance to warrant mention. No real trends developing at this time and confidence is low past the next 7-10 days.

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