All of Iowa, Forecast

Not Much This Week

A DOLDRUM KIND OF WEEK: The weather will be fairly quiet outside a rain chance late tonight into early Wednesday morning. Skies will be partly to mostly sunny today and Wednesday with plenty of sunshine lasting through the rest of the week as well. Highs today will be in the middle to upper 60s with a few areas reaching the lower 70s. The disturbance in question drops in from the north and northwest tonight with some rain and perhaps a few rumbles of thunder as well. The best chance of seeing any rain will be along and east of a Mason City to Waterloo to Keokuk line. Rainfall amounts of a quarter inch or less will be possible. Sunshine returns as mentioned for the rest of the week with slightly cooler readings on Wednesday before temperatures moderate through the end of the week. Highs will be in the upper 50s through the middle 60s on Wednesday and should climb back toward the 70s by the end of the week.

A SOGGY SMATTERING: The weekend looks to bring the chance of rain and a few isolated storms back into the state with a frontal system coming down from the northwest. This doesn’t look to be all-day rains that we’ve seen earlier but the chances will be around nevertheless. Highs will drop off into the 60s to near 70 with the amount of cloudiness that will be around on Saturday. Mother’s Day Sunday looks to be the best of the weekend with only rain chances over the southern half of the state but we really can’t rule out activity in any part of the state. Highs in the 60s and lower 70s will be likely on Sunday. The rain chances stick around the southern counties on Monday as well before moving back northward as we head into Monday night and next Tuesday. We’ll keep watching this in the coming days

MORE ON MAY: As we look further into the extended period, the GFS is showing an active weather pattern with several systems coming in from the west in a quick moving flow. One system is seen around the 13th and 14th and another one late on the 15th through the 18th. Temperatures are shown to be fairly close to seasonal levels as there is no big ridges or troughs seen in this period. Of course a lot can happen between now and then so confidence is low at this time.

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