Bloom Report, Gardening

April Showers & April Flowers

Tulips as of April 12th 2016
Tulips as of April 12th 2016

We had the April showers last week with some thunderstorms and rain and we definitely now have the flowers! Unfortunately those thunderstorms came with several cold fronts that brought a roller coaster of temperatures and high winds leading to a couple of nights in which it froze hard. This cold weather really slowed things down and flowers that were in bloom in my last post are still in flower now with some things adding to the list, including the first Tulips of the season which bloomed last week opening on April 8th which is normal timing. Before it got cold the grass grew enough to where I did the first mowing of the season and along with this there are several tree species are starting to get noticeable leaves on them. About one-quarter of all trees are leafed out currently meaning most are still void of leaves which will be changing in a hurry.

Hyacinths as of April 12th
Hyacinths as of April 12th

Hyacinths and Daffodils are still in full bloom but they are starting to fade out some now. These are 2nd year Hyacinths and the blooms are not as full when these are in their second year and beyond. I think they look so much nicer and hold up better when the flowers are “looser”


Flowering Pear: Bloomed April 7th 2016
Flowering Pear: Bloomed April 7th 2016

If you are south of highway 30 and have a flowering pear near your house you certainly have noticed these coming into bloom over the last few days! Flowering Pears are in full bloom across the area now and are filling our urban areas, especially newer sub divisions with scenes of snow-white blooms. These were starting to flower when the cold snaps hit and they were not fazed by the frosty lows in the lower 20s.

Magnolia on April 3rd 2016
Magnolia on April 3rd 2016

Unfortunately Magnolias took a huge hit when the cold snaps hit. In case you missed them enjoy this photo that was taken before the cold weather came in. The cold temperatures totally destroyed this years flowers on most Magnolias including famous Saucer Magnolias which are known for their beauty this time of year. The trees will be fine and will not harmed by the cold but there will be no blooms this year unless you were lucky enough that some blooms didn’t open before the cold hit or you have a late-blooming Magnolia as these haven’t flowered yet. Magnolia was the only tree damaged by the cold temperatures, not even the Lilac is full leaf took damage at a 23.F low, reminding of how tough that plant is!

Redbud as of April 12th
Redbud as of April 12th

The good news is there are many more beautiful trees that haven’t even begun to flower yet just begging to bring beauty to our area. Another state famous plant the Redbud have nice fat buds just ready to open and grace our woods, cities and towns with their purple blooms. They should be blooming in about a week! I will be going to Chariton to witness the Redbud bloom this year will be posting photos of that here.

Spring garden as of April 12th 2016
Spring garden as of April 12th 2016

Here is the spring garden as of this week. It is as peak flower right now with Tulips coming into bloom and the Forsythia still in flower so this is it for spring bulbs, there will be nothing else coming into flower until the summer blooming plants start-up!