
A Legacy Tree; Winterset Courthouse Magnolia

To most people, trees just blend in with the everyday landscape and they can’t tell one tree from another and may go un noticed with most people’s busy lives. For example do you remember that small tree by the gas station? Chances are probably not because that tree just doesn’t hold a sigificant place in your life. Then there are other trees that are remembered forever and are very special to the communities in which they are located in. In the city of Winterset, Iowa most people would tell you that if you want to see a special tree go see the courthouse Magnolia in April! This tree virtually stops traffic especially this time of year when it is filled with thousands of blooms that form a pink cloud on the southeastern side of the Madison County Courthouse.

Courthouse Magnolia Winterset, IA 4/4/16
Courthouse Magnolia Winterset, IA 4/4/16

This massive tree stands at an estimated 30′ tall and 40-45′ wide. It has multiple stems which is typical of this species of Saucer Magnolia “magnolia x soulangeana” Visiting Winterset for the first time late summer 2014 I instantly noticed this tree and promised myself I’d come back the following spring and take photos of what I was guessing was going to be an awesome display. Well it certainly was and upon closer inspection I noticed the tree had lots of battle scars and a thick cable holds up one of the large branches. I became intrigued with the tree as I knew it had a story to tell, I just had to ask around!

Saucer Magnolia blooms 4/4/16
Saucer Magnolia blooms 4/4/16

Contacting a couple of people at the Madison County Courthouse lead first to the Madison County Supervisor then another phone call to an individual that let me know the tree was a gift to the county from the Winterset Music Club. It was planted in 1952 or 1954 and has graced the city with its pink blossoms for 63 years! Which is old for this species. The tree has undergone lots of maintenance over its long years and has even been cabled as there was some concern that the large branch that facing the east side of the building would crack. It’s been pruned multiple times to keep the threat of that to a minimum. I’d take a guess that the music club didn’t know their wonderful give to the county would stand the test of time and become as much of a symbol to the city as the courthouse dome it’s self! It gains lots of visitors every year especially for highschool prom photos and selfies.

Saucer Magnolia Closeup
Saucer Magnolia Closeup

So next time you’re in Winterset be sure to stop and see this beautiful old tree and be ready for a stunning site even when not in flower. Also be ready for a wonderful smell which wont be hard to miss since it perfumes much of Downtown Winterset especially on days with light breezes. Or better yet as you’re driving around your own city or town and you see an old tree, stop and think for a second what has that tree been through, who may have planted it and how many storms has it weathered? Then consider planting a tree of your own, one day it just could become a legacy tree!


I’d like to extend a special Thankyou to the staff of Madison County for helping me gather the information about this tree!