All of Iowa, Forecast

April Showers

SOME JOKE: April begins and what do we see, a little of that white stuff mixing with some rain early today in our northern and northeastern counties before it changes to all rain by afternoon. This will not be a washout by any means as there will be some dry time as well. It will be cool once again as it was most of yesterday with the passage of the front. Highs today will be in the 40s to lower 50s. Skies will slowly clear tonight and we should see some sunshine as we head into the weekend. Temperatures however won’t really respond much to the abundant sunshine as readings will remain in the 40s and 50s with the warmer temperatures in our western and southwestern counties.

NEXT WEEK: As we look at the first week of April, it will start somewhat cool in our eastern counties with 40s and 50s while the western counties should see some 60s on Monday. A warm front comes through Tuesday with a chance of some rain showers at that time. It will bring some warmer air to the state as well with 50s and 60s for highs on Tuesday, perhaps even a 70 or two as well. This doesn’t look to last too long as a cold front comes through on Wednesday with a chance of showers and perhaps a thunderstorm as well. Colder air comes in to finish the week with readings in the 40s for highs and perhaps even in the upper 30s in our northeastern counties.

OVER THE HORIZON: As we look at the extended period on the GFS, a storm system is shown to move through on the 9th and 10th (next weekend) with a chance of some showers and possible thunderstorms at that time. More storms are shown around the 12th and 13th and again on the 15th and 16th with some shower and thunderstorm activity possible at that time. Temperatures look to be up and down with some cooler and some warmer than average days intermixed. Timing and strength still up in the air however, so confidence is not high past the next seven days.

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