Cool weather even snow showers over the weekend put a damper on spring and really slowed things down, however it has warmed back up and today it was in the middle 60s putting everything is back on track, at least until the next snow comes tomorrow! Most noticeable this week are Crab Apple trees, they have really started to leaf out in the past few days and have a greenish look to them now. Grass is continuing to turn green and a few people have even mowed their lawns for the first time of the season. Bulb season is really under way at this time and any garden with spring bulbs has at least one type of bulb in flower. Forsythia is in full flower or about to enter full bloom adding to the spring display. Magnolias are starting to show color and I’ve even seen a few Star varieties starting to open, Saucer Magnolias will soon follow as well as their big fat buds are starting to break and un curl their petals. Ornamental Pear and Redbuds are definitely waking up, but it will still be awhile before these begin to flower.
The bigger story of the week is that we are now in full Daffodil season as they are now in full bloom showing off their bright sunny faces in gardens across the area. Daffodils are my absolute favorite flower because of how cheery they are, how could you not smile when you see their happy blooms? There are many different types of Daffodils that display different heights, colors and bloom styles but I always find myself gravitating back towards the old-fashioned yellow ( top photo), I would say they have to be my favorite! If these photos has you thinking you want spring bulbs in your garden you’ll have to put a note on your calendar for this October! Spring bulbs need to be planted in fall as soils cool. Monal Daffodil pictured above is a new addition to my garden, for an orange/yellow Daffodil this is one of my favorites so far because the cup of this Daffodil is actually strikingly orange, not like other orange centered types.
This is an old-fashioned variety and is one of the hardiest, full proof Daffodils you can purchase! Ice Follies is right up there with yellow types in how full proof they are. I really like this variety for its white petals and yellow centers because of this it has always has a spot in my landscape. The yellow centers fade to cream after a few days.
Tete a Tete is a the most popular miniature daffodil and are easily available for purchase. I really enjoy the dainty blooms of this miniature daffodil and because of their short stature they look perfect planted in front of other Daffodils or Tulips. Tete a Tete Daffodil is also a really popular choice for forcing and you can often see them for sale around valentines day or Easter in pots for sale. If you receive some forced Tete a Tete Daffodils you can plant them in your garden after the blooms face and they will come back year after year! Just be sure to wait until the ground warms and leave the old foliage to yellow. Also it would be recommended to plant these deeper then they were in their pot.
I purchased these daffodils because their showy orange centers, however I noticed they are quite a bit lighter than the packaging had made them out to be, even though this is the case they are still a beautiful Daffodil. they are the tallest of the Daffodils that I have planted so far. I also tried Pink Charm Daffodil this year but because they are new plantings they are bit delayed, which is normal for newly planted spring bulbs.
Flower buds on my Jane Magnolia are really starting to swell this week. Jane is a new variety I’m trying this year so I am anxious to see the blooms open!
Finally here is the full spring garden view, as can be seen there is quite a bit more color this week as compared to last week, this is mainly due to the Daffodils opening, still not quite at peak bloom though as Tulips have not bloomed! The Lynwood Gold forsythia is finally starting to open a few blooms being a week later than Northern Gold on the other side of the lawn, when this goes into full flower in a few days it will be quite a spring sight with the other spring blooms! We have really entered a beautiful time of year to be in our state because everything is coming together to produce a beautiful display, be sure to get out and enjoy Spring!